I sometimes feel the need to stop and reflect on my life. I'm feeling that need today.
It amazes me that although I come from very humble beginnings, I am so rich in blessings. My daughter is grown, healthy and a productive human being. My grandson is thriving. My adoptive children are finding their way in this world.
My Dad, although now gone has blessed me with so much love, insight, understanding and a vision. My Mom, now 90 and though pretty much bedridden is still spiritually vibrant. Her mind, well now, that's sometimes something else. But she's my Mom and she's still here; able to see and experience all that my children and I have experienced.
I have been blessed to still be able to smile, laugh and love, even after years of struggle and hardship.
I have been blessed to be able to live the life I now live. Never did I imagine my life would turn out this way!
I have been blessed with the extraordinary gift of words; blessed that people who know better than me and are experienced in the fiction writing community respect and support me and are even interested in not only working with me, but also seeing more.
I am blessed to have the personal friends that I have because I know I can count on them. I am so blessed that there are too many to count lest I omit someone and offend them.
I am blessed to have a nice place in which to live; a nice place to go work to every day and I am blessed to have an awesome boss who is a sincere, supportive human being.
With gratitude in my heart, I can only pray that I can be reciprocal.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hunters & Prey -- Book Review & Giveaway!

Yesterday I wrote a review for "Carpe Noctem", the first in Katie Salidas' Immmortalis series Her second in the series, "Hunters and Prey" picks up where "Carpe Noctem" left off. I was lucky enough to be a beta reader for this installment and the finished product is absolutely awesome!
The story begins with Alyssa having just fed. Alyssa has pledged to only feed from criminals deserving to die; those who are like the men who nearly elminated her existence. They have become her "prey" and she, in essence, has become their "hunter". When she arrives home in the morning, she settles in to bed and falls into a restless sleep where she is dreaming about her nemesis, Santino, the vampire hunter working with the Acta Santorum. She awakens with a start and Lysander, her mate and maker, attempts to soothe her to no avail. Unable to fall back to sleep, she pads to the living area and channel surfs looking for something to keep her mind occupied. She stops on the local news channel when she is interrupted by her clan-mate Nicholas, who startles her when he answers a question she was mentally asking herself as to who might be the head of the Acta Santorum and whether or not Santino could be alive and whether or not the Acta Sanctorum might have something to do with the gory story that was running.
Nicholas is a news junkie and as he sits down to watch the news with her announces that he knows that Alyssa is looking for clues about Santino, (the vampire hunter we met in Katie's first installment), answering some of her queries after conceding, in a roundabout manner, that he had read her mind. Later that evening, Alyssa goes out to feed and while she's out she encounters Santino. With nowhere else to go, Alyssa jumps into a cab and goes to the cafe where she used to hang out. She couldn't go home lest she expose her clan-mates and put them in grave danger. Once at the cafe, Alyssa begins to have feelings of longing for her old life and just as she's about to turn away from the entrance door, it swings open with her friend, Fallon coming through it. Now what to do?
Questions streamed from Fallon's mouth about Alyssa's sudden disappearance. Alyssa, still concerned that Santino has followed her there, decides to go inside with Fallon figuring it was the safest place for her to be. While hitting Alyssa with another barrage of questions, Fallon notices Alyssa's eyes and teeth, making the connection that Alyssa is now a vampire. Awkwardly trying to reassure her friend, Alyssa tells Fallon the story of what happened the night Fallon stood her up, the night of her turning and what her life is like now. After a while, Alyssa borrows Fallon's cellphone to call Lysander and explain to him where she was and that Santino was after her. He's none too pleased and asks her to wait for his phone call while he discusses with the rest of the clan what should be done. He is extremely upset that she has exposed their truth to a mortal. When he calls her back and tells her to meet him at a casino, Fallon refuses to let Alyssa go by herself and as they head out, Alyssa notices that Santino is standing at the door of the cafe.
"Hunters and Prey" is action packed with an incredible story line filled with vampires, zombies, survival and acceptance. It is also a story of love, sacrifice and strength. I mean, let's face it, it takes a lot of strength to trust that which you fear. Fierce battles ensue between the clan and the hunters after which Fallon is accepted by the clan as an "honorary" member.
Alyssa loves her friend so much that she fights her basic instinct to feed on her when they are held captive together and she is in dire need of feeding. She teaches her clan-mates what it means to stand beside a loved one in war, no matter what life form they may be in. It is a lesson to be learned by all. It is a known fact that I admire Katie, that she and I have a friendship, and it is because of that friendship that I feel the need to be totally honest. There is nothing I can criticize here. Once again, she has left me wanting more. This tour is to promote her third story in the series, "Pandora's Box", which I have begun reading and believe you me, I wish I had a block of time so that I can sit down and read it in one sitting as I have all her previous works. You will not be disappointed in this story and it will make you hunger for "Pandora's Box" which is available now in e-book and other formats come July 12.
A very generous Katie has once again agreed to offer a free giveaway of one copy of the smashwords edition of "Hunters and Prey". This time, since 13 is my lucky number, the thirteenth person to post a comment on my blog will be the winner! Here is a sample for your reading pleasure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ZAW35FurIbQbIg1lh78ynBRZpDQfE8vuFUcYiVpG10/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CKy6noMK
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Katie and her work, here is her bio:
Katie Salidas:
The youngest of four children, Katie has always had a desire to entertain. Since, early childhood, she's dreamed fantastical characters and scribbled them into pages of various journals and notebooks. Taking an interest in vampires, she devoured every book, featuring those blood sucking creatures, in any genre she could find. It was only natural that a love of reading vampire stories, turned into a love to write them. Katie is also a Las Vegas native, having grown up in the famed City of Sin. She loves to feature it as a recurring setting for many of her stories.
Here is a link to Katie's blog: http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr
Yes, I am featured this week :)
Finally, to tempt you just a litlle bit :), here is a synopsis of Katie's newest installment, "Pandora's Box":
Pandora's Box:
Alyssa thought, after a few months as a vampire, that she’d learned all she needed about the supernatural world. But all that will change when a mysterious package shows up on her doorstep - a Pandora's box. An ancient prison, created by powerful magic, the box was used to trap the most dangerous and deadly creatures on earth. Once opened, it releases an ancient evil, with an insatiable lust for vampire blood. Within moments of its release it the feeding frenzy begins. Alyssa must find a way to return the creature to the box. If she doesn’t, it will not only destroy her clan, but the rest of the vampires in existence.
And of course, I can not end this post without putting you on about the legal stuff:
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of The Virtual Book Tour Cafe' and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by The Virtual Book Tour Cafe', no payment was received by me in exchange for this review nor was there an obligation to write a positive one. All opinions expressed here are entirely of my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
Thanks again for your support and for allowing me to share this with you!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Immortalis Carpe Noctem -- Book Review & Giveaway!

I first stumbled upon Katie Salidas' "Immortalis Carpe Noctem" a year ago on my Kindle. I cracked open a bottle of wine, and settled in on my couch to read it as the sun set. I read it in one sitting and to my surprise it was dark out when I finished it. It had drawn me in and didn't let me go.
This story is the first in Ms. Salidas' "Immortalis" series and it begins with the main character, Alyssa waiting for her best friend Fallon to arrive at their regular hangout - a cafe near a college campus -- on the day she had lost her job. When Fallon calls to beg off, Alyssa leaves the cafe deciding to take a shortcut home and encounters two seemingly harmless men who ask her for directions to the library. Grudgingly, she responds and is suddenly attacked. As she lays on the ground close to death, her hero, Lysander appears, seemingly out of nowhere, and quickly does away with her attackers -- but not before he turns her in order to save her life. When Alyssa finally regains consciousness, she's not sure where she is or what's happened. She's experiencing changes in her body that she doesn't understand and this is where I got wrapped up. Katie's description of what Alyssa is experiencing is so vivid and realistic that you can't help but continue reading. As a fan of the genre, I had never seen the physicality of "the change" described so clearly.
The story continues with Alyssa's "maker" (Lysander) making some major adjustments himself. Lysander is a somber, introspective vampire -- the "strong, silent type", who when you first meet him you find out that he is a lone vampire. He is not part of a clan per se at this point in the story but now that he's turned young Alyssa, he is responsible for her and this has his maker, Kallisto pretty upset. Kallisto is also Lysander's former lover. Her anger towards him stems from the fact that he has broken the rules set in place long ago for fledglings, and as the story unfolds you will see that she harbors a mean spirited jealousy toward Alyssa.
When a travelling clan, The Peregrinus, which is made up of some of Lysander's "children" come to visit, they begin to bond as a "family" with Alyssa. In addition, Lysander, Alyssa and their new clan members all have to deal with the Acta Santorum, a band of vampire hunters comprised of self-righteous vampires themselves who feed off animals . They are working with the Vatican to eradicate vampires who are not like them. They consider other vampires evil.
As you become engrossed in the story, you will learn about Alyssa's new traits, strengths and weaknesses right along with her. You will see age old myths and beliefs about vampires de-bunked. Alyssa struggles with her new self and as she learns to adjust, you see her inner self begin to mature. You will grow to love all of the characters. The unfolding story will break your heart as you experience challenges and losses right along with her and her clan-mates.
I see this as a story about inner growth and slow maturity; a story about love and family; although the blood ties that bind this clan are not biological. This is a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. It is a great introduction to those who have not experienced the genre and those who have, will find that it is different from anything they've read before.
Full disclosure: Katie and I have an ongoing virtual friendship. I am her latest interview featured in her "Author Spotlight" on her blog: http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr
Notwithstanding all of that, I believe Katie Salidas is an author you'll want to keep an eye on, someone to watch. Apart from that, she's just a wonderful human being, so visit her blog to see all that she's up to!
Oh, by the way, Katie was kind enough to offer a free giveaway for a smashwords copy of "Immortalis Carpe Noctem". Since this was her first book and "Sinner's Ride" is my first novel, the first person to leave a comment on my blog will win a copy! Here is an excerpt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PD365LmgoI6pP2jEpaWvqjnljHVIzv8LsCTE4mR2U-U/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CI3E06sB
Here is a short synopsis of Katie's latest "Pandora's Box":
Pandora's Box:
Alyssa thought, after a few months as a vampire, that she’d learned all she needed about the supernatural world. But all that will change when a mysterious package shows up on her doorstep - a Pandora's box. An ancient prison, created by powerful magic, the box was used to trap the most dangerous and deadly creatures on earth. Once opened, it releases an ancient evil, with an insatiable lust for vampire blood. Within moments of its release it the feeding frenzy begins. Alyssa must find a way to return the creature to the box. If she doesn’t, it will not only destroy her clan, but the rest of the vampires in existence.
Here's Katie's bio:
Katie Salidas:
The youngest of four children, Katie has always had a desire to entertain. Since, early childhood, she's dreamed fantastical characters and scribbled them into pages of various journals and notebooks. Taking an interest in vampires, she devoured every book, featuring those blood sucking creatures, in any genre she could find. It was only natural that a love of reading vampire stories, turned into a love to write them. Katie is also a Las Vegas native, having grown up in the famed City of Sin. She loves to feature it as a recurring setting for many of her stories.
And now for the legal stuff:
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of The Virtual Book Tour Cafe' and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by The Virtual Book Tour Cafe', no payment was received by me in exchange for this review nor was there an obligation to write a positive one. All opinions expressed here are entirely of my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
Thank you all for allowing me to share this with you.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Written in Blood: What Happens When Your Whole World is Turned Upside Down
Good morning!
Yesterday, Katie Salidas featured me on her blog as part of her series "Author Interview". I hope you had a chance to read that. If you haven't, here is the link: http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr#
Today she has excerpted chapter one of "Sinner's Ride". If you haven't read "Sinner's Ride" and haven't seen my explosive beginning, then you might like to see it. Go to Katie's blog to see what everyone is talking about!
Hope you like it!
Yesterday, Katie Salidas featured me on her blog as part of her series "Author Interview". I hope you had a chance to read that. If you haven't, here is the link: http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr#
Today she has excerpted chapter one of "Sinner's Ride". If you haven't read "Sinner's Ride" and haven't seen my explosive beginning, then you might like to see it. Go to Katie's blog to see what everyone is talking about!
Hope you like it!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Author Spotlight Interview
Greetings all!
This journey began for me in May of 2010. It was Mother's Day and it was the end of a beautiful day which I spent with my daughter. Regrettably, it ended way too early because she had to go pick up my grandson and I needed to do some housework. Once I got home I looked out the window at the beautiful sunset, and decided housework could wait. I walked over to my wine stash, picked out a bottle and poured myself a glass. Next, I grabbed my kindle and curled up on the couch to find something to read as the glow of the sunset washed over me.
While browsing, I stumbled across a piece by Katie Salidas, and finding the title interesting, I settled in for some urban fantasy reading, a genre I had recently become engrossed in, but more on that later in the week.
As a new author, I am learning so much that is awe-inspiring. I am just this simple girl from East Harlem with crazy ideas and I am diving right in what with the blogging, tweeting, networking in general, events ... who would've thunk it? I am having the time of my life encountering some really wonderful, supportive, talented people and I feel like I have just awoken in my heaven. Among these people, is Ms. Katie Salidas. I owe all this to her. She encouraged me and made me believe I could do this, and that people would be interested. So imagine my glee when she asked to interview me for her "Author Spotlight" series on her blog. This would be my first interview for the masses! I was thrilled!
Please peruse this talented author's blog and read about her books, her publishing/editing tips -- which by the way, were extremely helpful to me -- as well as an impressive array of previous author spotlights. You'll fall in love with her and her work just as I did!
And now, for your reading pleasure, I'd like to share my interview with Katie. http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr#
This journey began for me in May of 2010. It was Mother's Day and it was the end of a beautiful day which I spent with my daughter. Regrettably, it ended way too early because she had to go pick up my grandson and I needed to do some housework. Once I got home I looked out the window at the beautiful sunset, and decided housework could wait. I walked over to my wine stash, picked out a bottle and poured myself a glass. Next, I grabbed my kindle and curled up on the couch to find something to read as the glow of the sunset washed over me.
While browsing, I stumbled across a piece by Katie Salidas, and finding the title interesting, I settled in for some urban fantasy reading, a genre I had recently become engrossed in, but more on that later in the week.
As a new author, I am learning so much that is awe-inspiring. I am just this simple girl from East Harlem with crazy ideas and I am diving right in what with the blogging, tweeting, networking in general, events ... who would've thunk it? I am having the time of my life encountering some really wonderful, supportive, talented people and I feel like I have just awoken in my heaven. Among these people, is Ms. Katie Salidas. I owe all this to her. She encouraged me and made me believe I could do this, and that people would be interested. So imagine my glee when she asked to interview me for her "Author Spotlight" series on her blog. This would be my first interview for the masses! I was thrilled!
Please peruse this talented author's blog and read about her books, her publishing/editing tips -- which by the way, were extremely helpful to me -- as well as an impressive array of previous author spotlights. You'll fall in love with her and her work just as I did!
And now, for your reading pleasure, I'd like to share my interview with Katie. http://networkedblogs.com/jDvUr#
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
Since this post was originally published, I have gotten a lot of comments. I know that as a writer, I am expected to have a perfect writing style. Obviously, this is not perfectly written. It is a literal translation of the original eulogy which was written in Spanish. I decided to translate it literally ... though now, I'm not sure why....
I woke up thinking about my Dad this morning ... not that that's anything new. I have been waking up thinking about him every single day for the last 2,103 days. My Dad is my hero. In my eyes, he was Superman. I thought he just had to be! To me, he looked just like that guy on TV (George Reeves ... I grew up in the early 60's, and Superman, the black & white 50's era television series was running in re-runs). Because of this, I got into a fight in elementary school defending my truth.
It was probably my 7th or 8th birthday that was coming up and my parents were throwing me a birthday party. My Dad said I could invite anyone I wanted. I was elated. A few days later, at school, during our lunch period, I was telling a bunch of kids that my Dad, who was Superman, was throwing me a birthday party and that I could invite whomever I wanted. I added that he would be there as Superman. One girl said: "How can your father be Superman? Superman is white and your father is Puerto Rican."
I flew into a rage ... never mind that she made all kinds of sense! I was scared, but I rammed into her and we fell into a heap all arms and legs. No one cheered me on. No one but Dominick D. We are still friends today. Happy father's day Dominick!!
Today I want to honor "Superman"; my Dad, by sharing with you, the eulogy I wrote for him on September 18, 2005.
* * * * * * * *
September 18, 2005
Santa Isabel, PR
My Daddy
Pedro Juan **. He was a companion, husband, father, grandfather, great-granfather, brother, uncle, cousin, godfather, son and friend; born May * *, in Coamo, Puerto Rico. Son of Rosario * and Juan *. He was a good brother to Cornelio, Felipe, Claudina, Concepcion, Marcos, Baudilia and Jose Luis...better known as Guiso; as well as his adopted siblings Rolyn and Carmin. Husband and companion of Maria Mercedes for 58 years, raising four children: Raymond, myself, Papo and Cuca. Grandfather of Taina, Mimari, Peter and Ross; Rafael, Angel and Carmen. Great-grandfather of Dayne - the apple of his eye.
At the age of 24, he left PR to make a life for himself in NY, following his great love, making her his wife; his life companion. Learning English on his own and during more than 20 years, taking on menial jobs he never forgot his family in PR. Always remembering that maybe they were in need and always helping them the best he could even though he had his own ongoing struggle to raise his family.
If anyone in his family had a dream to live a better life in NY, my father, without reservation and without question opened his home giving more than 20 members of his family the opportunity to realize their dream and he was very happy when that dream was realized for that person.
My father loved it whenever someone in the family came to visit. But despite his struggles, he always maintained his faith in God, not only for himself but for those around him as well.
In 1979, he himself realized his dream to become the Sargent of Security for Rockefeller University in NY, retiring after 24 additional years of hard work. That was his dream job.
Pedro Juan * * was a man who lived for his family -- his wife and children. Any pain felt by us, you could count on him to give you sage advice and the strength to confront and resolve whatever it was that troubled you.
When he retired in 1993, he returned to PR and built his house exactly as he dreamed. He was so happy. He was happy because now he had the opportunity to be with his "other me" every day, all day and he dedicated himself to adjusting to his new life. Telling jokes, being mischievous, eating and giving orders. But all of that was done with love, a laugh and sometimes a toothless smile.
When my mother fell ill, that man almost died. Putting his faith before everything else, he would go to the hospital daily to take care of, comfort and show love to his companion-wife believing in God that she would rise from her sick bed. And so it was. Mami did rise and recuperated so that she could struggle with him.
My father suffered a stroke on June 22, 2005. My brother, Raymond, arrived there that same day. Supporting our mother, dealing with our father. While hospitalized, no one expected that he would return home. But he did.
My father died Thursday, September 15, 2005 at his dream house, with his wife at his side. But not before his last mischievous act ... he played with the water my mother lovingly offered him.
When his first granddaughter, Taina was born in 1980, that man was in the clouds. He didn't know what to do with himself. And when Tania was 27 days old, with his wife at his side, he took custody of his granddaughter, to begin anew in raising a family as if they were young again.
After Taina, my adored daughter, Mimari came. Mimari was the one that took him back to his childhood. Almost til the day he died, they spent time talking -- he counseling her and her telling him jokes. They got along like hand and glove. They would pull each other's leg, winding each other up.
Then came the boys ... Peter and Ross. His relationship with Peter was one of few words. Peter didn't speak Spanish well, but they learned to communicate with one another, primarily through their hearts. My father's only wish when it came to Peter was that even with all his travails, he finish High School. He knew that it would be hard for Peter, but he also knew that if Peter could achieve this, he would be "a man". Imagine his pride when the grandson he least expected, the one that everyone thought would be a failure graduated from high school. My father cried giving thanks to God. Peter wants everyone to know that his grandfather and grandmother, Mercedes could now be proud of him. Because they, my father and my mother supported him and gave him the strength and above all the love he needed to achieve this.
That was my Daddy.
When he did not expect any more grandchildren, Ross was born, Cuca's son. My father nicknamed him "Macho Man". The day that Ross was born, was the same day that our aunt, Saturna was to be buried. Ross is the grandchild of the future of this family.
That boy knows computers better than anyone I know. In the shadow of the pain of the death of our Aunt Saturna, the sun of the future of this family was born. Ross. My father recognized that in his grandson. He always spoke about him with love.
That was my father.
Pedro Juan * *
And you still ask yourselves why I called him Superman?
* * * * *
I now have a grandson who still remembers his great-grandfather and will once in a while mention that he is now in Heaven. He remembers laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat the way I did as a child.
I hope Dayne will grow up to be like his great-grandfather: A loving, good hearted man who did not shy away from showing his love to others.
Happy Fathers Day to all fathers, biological or not. And to all the single mothers playing both roles.
I woke up thinking about my Dad this morning ... not that that's anything new. I have been waking up thinking about him every single day for the last 2,103 days. My Dad is my hero. In my eyes, he was Superman. I thought he just had to be! To me, he looked just like that guy on TV (George Reeves ... I grew up in the early 60's, and Superman, the black & white 50's era television series was running in re-runs). Because of this, I got into a fight in elementary school defending my truth.
It was probably my 7th or 8th birthday that was coming up and my parents were throwing me a birthday party. My Dad said I could invite anyone I wanted. I was elated. A few days later, at school, during our lunch period, I was telling a bunch of kids that my Dad, who was Superman, was throwing me a birthday party and that I could invite whomever I wanted. I added that he would be there as Superman. One girl said: "How can your father be Superman? Superman is white and your father is Puerto Rican."
I flew into a rage ... never mind that she made all kinds of sense! I was scared, but I rammed into her and we fell into a heap all arms and legs. No one cheered me on. No one but Dominick D. We are still friends today. Happy father's day Dominick!!
Today I want to honor "Superman"; my Dad, by sharing with you, the eulogy I wrote for him on September 18, 2005.
* * * * * * * *
September 18, 2005
Santa Isabel, PR
My Daddy
Pedro Juan **. He was a companion, husband, father, grandfather, great-granfather, brother, uncle, cousin, godfather, son and friend; born May * *, in Coamo, Puerto Rico. Son of Rosario * and Juan *. He was a good brother to Cornelio, Felipe, Claudina, Concepcion, Marcos, Baudilia and Jose Luis...better known as Guiso; as well as his adopted siblings Rolyn and Carmin. Husband and companion of Maria Mercedes for 58 years, raising four children: Raymond, myself, Papo and Cuca. Grandfather of Taina, Mimari, Peter and Ross; Rafael, Angel and Carmen. Great-grandfather of Dayne - the apple of his eye.
At the age of 24, he left PR to make a life for himself in NY, following his great love, making her his wife; his life companion. Learning English on his own and during more than 20 years, taking on menial jobs he never forgot his family in PR. Always remembering that maybe they were in need and always helping them the best he could even though he had his own ongoing struggle to raise his family.
If anyone in his family had a dream to live a better life in NY, my father, without reservation and without question opened his home giving more than 20 members of his family the opportunity to realize their dream and he was very happy when that dream was realized for that person.
My father loved it whenever someone in the family came to visit. But despite his struggles, he always maintained his faith in God, not only for himself but for those around him as well.
In 1979, he himself realized his dream to become the Sargent of Security for Rockefeller University in NY, retiring after 24 additional years of hard work. That was his dream job.
Pedro Juan * * was a man who lived for his family -- his wife and children. Any pain felt by us, you could count on him to give you sage advice and the strength to confront and resolve whatever it was that troubled you.
When he retired in 1993, he returned to PR and built his house exactly as he dreamed. He was so happy. He was happy because now he had the opportunity to be with his "other me" every day, all day and he dedicated himself to adjusting to his new life. Telling jokes, being mischievous, eating and giving orders. But all of that was done with love, a laugh and sometimes a toothless smile.
When my mother fell ill, that man almost died. Putting his faith before everything else, he would go to the hospital daily to take care of, comfort and show love to his companion-wife believing in God that she would rise from her sick bed. And so it was. Mami did rise and recuperated so that she could struggle with him.
My father suffered a stroke on June 22, 2005. My brother, Raymond, arrived there that same day. Supporting our mother, dealing with our father. While hospitalized, no one expected that he would return home. But he did.
My father died Thursday, September 15, 2005 at his dream house, with his wife at his side. But not before his last mischievous act ... he played with the water my mother lovingly offered him.
When his first granddaughter, Taina was born in 1980, that man was in the clouds. He didn't know what to do with himself. And when Tania was 27 days old, with his wife at his side, he took custody of his granddaughter, to begin anew in raising a family as if they were young again.
After Taina, my adored daughter, Mimari came. Mimari was the one that took him back to his childhood. Almost til the day he died, they spent time talking -- he counseling her and her telling him jokes. They got along like hand and glove. They would pull each other's leg, winding each other up.
Then came the boys ... Peter and Ross. His relationship with Peter was one of few words. Peter didn't speak Spanish well, but they learned to communicate with one another, primarily through their hearts. My father's only wish when it came to Peter was that even with all his travails, he finish High School. He knew that it would be hard for Peter, but he also knew that if Peter could achieve this, he would be "a man". Imagine his pride when the grandson he least expected, the one that everyone thought would be a failure graduated from high school. My father cried giving thanks to God. Peter wants everyone to know that his grandfather and grandmother, Mercedes could now be proud of him. Because they, my father and my mother supported him and gave him the strength and above all the love he needed to achieve this.
That was my Daddy.
When he did not expect any more grandchildren, Ross was born, Cuca's son. My father nicknamed him "Macho Man". The day that Ross was born, was the same day that our aunt, Saturna was to be buried. Ross is the grandchild of the future of this family.
That boy knows computers better than anyone I know. In the shadow of the pain of the death of our Aunt Saturna, the sun of the future of this family was born. Ross. My father recognized that in his grandson. He always spoke about him with love.
That was my father.
Pedro Juan * *
And you still ask yourselves why I called him Superman?
* * * * *
I now have a grandson who still remembers his great-grandfather and will once in a while mention that he is now in Heaven. He remembers laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat the way I did as a child.
I hope Dayne will grow up to be like his great-grandfather: A loving, good hearted man who did not shy away from showing his love to others.
Happy Fathers Day to all fathers, biological or not. And to all the single mothers playing both roles.
Feliz Dia de los Padres
Disperte esta manana pensando en mi Papi, pero eso no es nada nuevo. Eso es algo que hacen 2,103 dias lo estoy haciendo. Mi Papa es mi heroe. En mis ojos, el era Superman. Pense que tenia que ser cierto. Para mi, el se parecia al hombre que lo protagonizaba en la television (George Reeves ... yo me crie en los primero anos de los 60's, y Superman, la serie de television filmada en blanco y negro en los anos 50's se estaba repitiendo en la television). Y por esa razon me enrede en la escuela primaria defiendo lo que para mi era la verdad.
Quizas fue mi septimo or octavo cumpleanos que se acercaba. Mis padres estaban organizando una fiesta para mi. Papi me dio permiso a envitar quien yo quisiera. Unos cuantos dias despues, en la escuela y durante la hora de almuerzo, le estaba contandoles a unos amiquitos que se acercaba mi cumpleanos y yo queria que fueran a mi fiesta, tambien avisandole que Superman iba estar con nosotros porque Superman era mi papa. Una nina dijo: "Como es posible que tu papa sea Superman? Superman es un hombre blanco y tu papa es Puerto Riqueno."
Eso me enrabio! No me importaba que ella tenia razon. Aunque asustada, me tire encima de ella, rodeando por el suelo enredada con ella. Nadie me apoyo. Nadie, excepto Dominick D. Aun hoy tenemos una amistad. Feliz dia de los Padres Dominick!!
Hoy le quiero dar honor a "Superman"; mi Papi, compartiendo con ustedes, la eulogia que escribi para el, el dia de su entierro, el dia 18 de Septiembre, 2005.
* * * * * * * *
Septiembre 18, 2005
Santa Isabel, PR
My Daddy
Pedro Juan **. Ese fue nuestro companero, esposo, Padre, Abuelo, Bizabuelo, hermano, tio, primo, Padrino, hijo y amigo. Nacido Mayo * * en Coamo, PR. Fue hijo de Rosario * y Juan *. Fue hermano bueno de Cornelio, Felipe, Claudina, Concepcion, Marcos, Baudilia y Jose Luis...mejor conocido como Guiso; y su hermanos de crianzo Rolyn y Carmin. Esposo y companero de Maria Mercedes por 58 anos, criando quatro hijos: Raymond, yo, Papo y Cuca. Abuelo de Taina, Mimari, Peter y Ross; Rafael, Angel y Carmen. Bizabuelo de Dayne - la manzana de los ojos de el.
A la edad de 24 anos se fue hacer una vida en NY, siguendo su gran amor, haciendola su esposa, su companera por vida. Apprendiendo el ingles por su cuenta y durante mas de 20 anos luchando en trabajos meniales nunca se olvido de su familia en PR. Siempre recordando que quiza estaban en necessidad y ayudanolos lo mejor que pudo aunque y mientras tenia una lucha criando su familia.
Si alguien de su familia quizo lograr su sueno de una vida mejor en NY, Papi, sin preguntas, con su corazon abierto, y sin reparar, habrio las puertas de su casa dandole a mas de 20 personas la opportunidad de lograr lo que buscaban, y muy feliz cuando se hicieron realidad.
Papi le encantaba cuando alguien de la familia lo visitaba. Atraves de todo esto, siempre mantuvo la fe en Dios, no solo por el, pero tambien por su projimo.
En 1979 logro ser Sargento de Seguridad de la Universidad de Rockefeller en NY, retirandose despues de 24 anos mas de trabajo. Ese trabajo fue su trabajo de sueno.
Pedro Juan * * fue un hombre que vivio por su familia -- esposa y hijos. Cualquier dolor que sentianos nosotros, se podia contar con el que te iba dar un consejo sabio y la fuerza para resolver tu problema.
Al retirarse en el ano 1993, volvio a PR y hizo su casa segun sonaba con ella. Y fue tan feliz. Feliz porque ahora tenia la opportunidad para estar con su "otro yo" todos los dias, todo el dia y se dedico a accomodarse en su nueva vida. Haciendo chistes, maldades, comiendo y mandando. Pero todo eso fue con amor y una risa o una sonrisa mella.
Cuando Mami se enfermo ese hombre por poco se muere. Con su fe delante se iba todos los dias al hospital para cuidar, confortar y demonstrale amor a su companera-esposa creyendo en el Senior que la iba levantar. Y asi fue. Mami se levanto, recupero su fuerza para poder luchar con el.
Papi callo malo el dia 22 de Junio. Mi hermano, Ramon, vino ese mismo dia. Apoyando nuestra madre, bregando con nuestro Padre. Mientras enfermo, nadie esperaba que regresara as su casa. Pero asi fue.
Papi murio Jueves, Septiembre 15...en su casa, con su mujer a su lado. Pero no antes de hacerle la ultima broma ... jugar con la agua que ella carinosamente le ofrecia.
Cuando su primera nieta, Taina nacio en 1980, ese hombre estuvo por las nubes. No encontraba donde ponerse. Cuando Tania tenia 27 dias de nacida, con su mujer al lado, se llevaron la nieta, para volver a criar una familia como si fueran jovenes de nuevo.
Siguiendo Taina, vino mi adorada hija, Mimari. Mimari fue la que lo hizo volver ser nino. Hasta casi el dia que murio mi Papi, se la pasaban hablando, el aconsejandola y ella diciendole chistes. Se llevaban como una y carne. Halandose la cadena, dandose cuerda uno al otro.
Entonces vinieron los varones ... Peter y Ross. Su relacion con su nieto Peter fue una donde no ubo muchas palabras. Peter no habla el Espanol muy bien, pero los dos de parte en parte, aprendieron a communicar, principalmente con sus corazones. Lo mas que Papi quizo fue que su nieto, con todo sus traviesos, terminara las escuela. El sabia que iba ser fuerte para Peter, pero tambien sabia que si Peter podria lograrlo, se iba hacer hombre. Imaginese su orgullo cuando el nieto que meno esperaban, que el nieto que todo el mundo esperaban que fallara se graduo del cuarto ano. Papi lloro dandole gracias a Dios. Peter quiere que todos sepan que el y su abuela, Mercedes ahora puedan sentirse orgulloso de el. Porque ellos, Papi y Mami le dieron el apoyo, la fuerza y antes todo el amor para logralo.
Ese fue Papi.
Cuando ya no esperaban mas nietos, nacio Ross, hijo de Cuca. Papi le puso Macho Man. El dia que nacio Ross, se enterraba nuestra Tia Saturna. Ross es el nieto del futuro de esta familia.
Ese nene conoce computadoras como nadie que yo conosco. En la sombra del dolor de la muerte de Tia Saturna nacio el sol del futuro de esta familia. Ross. Papi reconocio eso en su nieto. Siempre hablo de el con carino.
Ese fue mi papa.
Pedro Juan * *
Todavia se preguntan porque yo digo que el es Superman?
* * * * *
Hoy dia soy abuela de Dayne que todavia se recuerda de su bizabuelo and de ves en cuando menciona que el vive in el cielo ahora. El recuerda cuando chico se rescostaba en el pecho de su bizabuelo escuchando el latir de su corazon como hize yo cuando nina.
Espero que Dayne cresca y llege ser como su bizabuelo: un hombre carinoso, de buen corazon que no se avergonzaba demostrarle carino a su projimo.
Feliz dia de los Padres a todos ustedes padres, biolojico o no. Y a todas madre soltera que hacen el papel de madre y padre.
Quizas fue mi septimo or octavo cumpleanos que se acercaba. Mis padres estaban organizando una fiesta para mi. Papi me dio permiso a envitar quien yo quisiera. Unos cuantos dias despues, en la escuela y durante la hora de almuerzo, le estaba contandoles a unos amiquitos que se acercaba mi cumpleanos y yo queria que fueran a mi fiesta, tambien avisandole que Superman iba estar con nosotros porque Superman era mi papa. Una nina dijo: "Como es posible que tu papa sea Superman? Superman es un hombre blanco y tu papa es Puerto Riqueno."
Eso me enrabio! No me importaba que ella tenia razon. Aunque asustada, me tire encima de ella, rodeando por el suelo enredada con ella. Nadie me apoyo. Nadie, excepto Dominick D. Aun hoy tenemos una amistad. Feliz dia de los Padres Dominick!!
Hoy le quiero dar honor a "Superman"; mi Papi, compartiendo con ustedes, la eulogia que escribi para el, el dia de su entierro, el dia 18 de Septiembre, 2005.
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Septiembre 18, 2005
Santa Isabel, PR
My Daddy
Pedro Juan **. Ese fue nuestro companero, esposo, Padre, Abuelo, Bizabuelo, hermano, tio, primo, Padrino, hijo y amigo. Nacido Mayo * * en Coamo, PR. Fue hijo de Rosario * y Juan *. Fue hermano bueno de Cornelio, Felipe, Claudina, Concepcion, Marcos, Baudilia y Jose Luis...mejor conocido como Guiso; y su hermanos de crianzo Rolyn y Carmin. Esposo y companero de Maria Mercedes por 58 anos, criando quatro hijos: Raymond, yo, Papo y Cuca. Abuelo de Taina, Mimari, Peter y Ross; Rafael, Angel y Carmen. Bizabuelo de Dayne - la manzana de los ojos de el.
A la edad de 24 anos se fue hacer una vida en NY, siguendo su gran amor, haciendola su esposa, su companera por vida. Apprendiendo el ingles por su cuenta y durante mas de 20 anos luchando en trabajos meniales nunca se olvido de su familia en PR. Siempre recordando que quiza estaban en necessidad y ayudanolos lo mejor que pudo aunque y mientras tenia una lucha criando su familia.
Si alguien de su familia quizo lograr su sueno de una vida mejor en NY, Papi, sin preguntas, con su corazon abierto, y sin reparar, habrio las puertas de su casa dandole a mas de 20 personas la opportunidad de lograr lo que buscaban, y muy feliz cuando se hicieron realidad.
Papi le encantaba cuando alguien de la familia lo visitaba. Atraves de todo esto, siempre mantuvo la fe en Dios, no solo por el, pero tambien por su projimo.
En 1979 logro ser Sargento de Seguridad de la Universidad de Rockefeller en NY, retirandose despues de 24 anos mas de trabajo. Ese trabajo fue su trabajo de sueno.
Pedro Juan * * fue un hombre que vivio por su familia -- esposa y hijos. Cualquier dolor que sentianos nosotros, se podia contar con el que te iba dar un consejo sabio y la fuerza para resolver tu problema.
Al retirarse en el ano 1993, volvio a PR y hizo su casa segun sonaba con ella. Y fue tan feliz. Feliz porque ahora tenia la opportunidad para estar con su "otro yo" todos los dias, todo el dia y se dedico a accomodarse en su nueva vida. Haciendo chistes, maldades, comiendo y mandando. Pero todo eso fue con amor y una risa o una sonrisa mella.
Cuando Mami se enfermo ese hombre por poco se muere. Con su fe delante se iba todos los dias al hospital para cuidar, confortar y demonstrale amor a su companera-esposa creyendo en el Senior que la iba levantar. Y asi fue. Mami se levanto, recupero su fuerza para poder luchar con el.
Papi callo malo el dia 22 de Junio. Mi hermano, Ramon, vino ese mismo dia. Apoyando nuestra madre, bregando con nuestro Padre. Mientras enfermo, nadie esperaba que regresara as su casa. Pero asi fue.
Papi murio Jueves, Septiembre 15...en su casa, con su mujer a su lado. Pero no antes de hacerle la ultima broma ... jugar con la agua que ella carinosamente le ofrecia.
Cuando su primera nieta, Taina nacio en 1980, ese hombre estuvo por las nubes. No encontraba donde ponerse. Cuando Tania tenia 27 dias de nacida, con su mujer al lado, se llevaron la nieta, para volver a criar una familia como si fueran jovenes de nuevo.
Siguiendo Taina, vino mi adorada hija, Mimari. Mimari fue la que lo hizo volver ser nino. Hasta casi el dia que murio mi Papi, se la pasaban hablando, el aconsejandola y ella diciendole chistes. Se llevaban como una y carne. Halandose la cadena, dandose cuerda uno al otro.
Entonces vinieron los varones ... Peter y Ross. Su relacion con su nieto Peter fue una donde no ubo muchas palabras. Peter no habla el Espanol muy bien, pero los dos de parte en parte, aprendieron a communicar, principalmente con sus corazones. Lo mas que Papi quizo fue que su nieto, con todo sus traviesos, terminara las escuela. El sabia que iba ser fuerte para Peter, pero tambien sabia que si Peter podria lograrlo, se iba hacer hombre. Imaginese su orgullo cuando el nieto que meno esperaban, que el nieto que todo el mundo esperaban que fallara se graduo del cuarto ano. Papi lloro dandole gracias a Dios. Peter quiere que todos sepan que el y su abuela, Mercedes ahora puedan sentirse orgulloso de el. Porque ellos, Papi y Mami le dieron el apoyo, la fuerza y antes todo el amor para logralo.
Ese fue Papi.
Cuando ya no esperaban mas nietos, nacio Ross, hijo de Cuca. Papi le puso Macho Man. El dia que nacio Ross, se enterraba nuestra Tia Saturna. Ross es el nieto del futuro de esta familia.
Ese nene conoce computadoras como nadie que yo conosco. En la sombra del dolor de la muerte de Tia Saturna nacio el sol del futuro de esta familia. Ross. Papi reconocio eso en su nieto. Siempre hablo de el con carino.
Ese fue mi papa.
Pedro Juan * *
Todavia se preguntan porque yo digo que el es Superman?
* * * * *
Hoy dia soy abuela de Dayne que todavia se recuerda de su bizabuelo and de ves en cuando menciona que el vive in el cielo ahora. El recuerda cuando chico se rescostaba en el pecho de su bizabuelo escuchando el latir de su corazon como hize yo cuando nina.
Espero que Dayne cresca y llege ser como su bizabuelo: un hombre carinoso, de buen corazon que no se avergonzaba demostrarle carino a su projimo.
Feliz dia de los Padres a todos ustedes padres, biolojico o no. Y a todas madre soltera que hacen el papel de madre y padre.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sinner's Ride Book Signing Event Sponsored by The Arctic Circle/Finns of New York
I am extremely pleased to announce a book signing event for "Sinner's Ride"!! My friends at The Arctic Circle/Finns of New York have been able to secure the rooftop garden at The Delancey in New York City for an event to include happy hour, a reading, a question and answer period followed by a raffle and mingling. I am SO EXCITED!!!
The Delancey is a beautiful dual-level site on the Lower East Side of Manhattan featuring a rooftop garden. We were so lucky that it was available for our event. Check out their website: www.thedelancey.com/gallery.html. So may I respectfully suggest you purchase a copy now and have it autographed at the event?
And here are directions:
The Delancey is located on the North East side of Delancey Street between Clinton and Attorney, at the base of the Williamsburg bridge.
By Subway:
Take the J.M or Z train to the Essex Street stop or the F train to Delancey Street stop. Please refer to www.hopstop.com for more details.
By Car:
From Brooklyn, take the first right off of the Williamsburg Bridge onto Clinton Street.
From Uptown Manhattan, take 2nd Ave. to Houston St., turn right on Ridge street, and right onto Delancey. The Delancey is between Attorney and Clinton Streets.
With regard to the raffle: Sinner's Ride is a heartwrenching story involving sexual assault and what happens mentally and emotionally when such a traumatic event takes place; one that occurs more often than we care to imagine. So many women suffer this malice at the hands of men they think they can trust and oftentimes they find themselves feeling that there is no escaping the situation. Some women are lucky. They get out and they survive it. Those women have friends, community leaders and others who lend a hand. There are organizations that offer support and shelter to the women and often the children of these women when they have nowhere to turn.
Some are not so lucky. My intention is to bring awareness to this monster and hope that I can help someone. For that reason, The Arctic Circle and I came up with the idea of a raffle.
We are on the cusp of what promises to be a sweltering summer. Therefore, we will be auctioning off a basket of summer goodies, including a signed, hardcover copy of "Sinner's Ride". As an added incentive for participants, we will not be placing a price tag on the raffle tickets, instead we ask that participants give what they can and all proceeds of the raffle will be donated to a women's shelter.
Also, I am ironing out some technological issues with the idea of streaming the event LIVE for those of you who can not attend personally, so details on that will soon follow.
And the ride continues.....
The Delancey is a beautiful dual-level site on the Lower East Side of Manhattan featuring a rooftop garden. We were so lucky that it was available for our event. Check out their website: www.thedelancey.com/gallery.html. So may I respectfully suggest you purchase a copy now and have it autographed at the event?
And here are directions:
The Delancey is located on the North East side of Delancey Street between Clinton and Attorney, at the base of the Williamsburg bridge.
By Subway:
Take the J.M or Z train to the Essex Street stop or the F train to Delancey Street stop. Please refer to www.hopstop.com for more details.
By Car:
From Brooklyn, take the first right off of the Williamsburg Bridge onto Clinton Street.
From Uptown Manhattan, take 2nd Ave. to Houston St., turn right on Ridge street, and right onto Delancey. The Delancey is between Attorney and Clinton Streets.
With regard to the raffle: Sinner's Ride is a heartwrenching story involving sexual assault and what happens mentally and emotionally when such a traumatic event takes place; one that occurs more often than we care to imagine. So many women suffer this malice at the hands of men they think they can trust and oftentimes they find themselves feeling that there is no escaping the situation. Some women are lucky. They get out and they survive it. Those women have friends, community leaders and others who lend a hand. There are organizations that offer support and shelter to the women and often the children of these women when they have nowhere to turn.
Some are not so lucky. My intention is to bring awareness to this monster and hope that I can help someone. For that reason, The Arctic Circle and I came up with the idea of a raffle.
We are on the cusp of what promises to be a sweltering summer. Therefore, we will be auctioning off a basket of summer goodies, including a signed, hardcover copy of "Sinner's Ride". As an added incentive for participants, we will not be placing a price tag on the raffle tickets, instead we ask that participants give what they can and all proceeds of the raffle will be donated to a women's shelter.
Also, I am ironing out some technological issues with the idea of streaming the event LIVE for those of you who can not attend personally, so details on that will soon follow.
And the ride continues.....
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